Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Humanity Falls Apart

Stupid Title I know, but hey. What am I supposed to say? I really liked this poem and the message it portrays but the first half of it was slightly personal and I cut it out. (One page, two columns long: this is the second one)

Humanity is evil, cruel
I have lost my faith in it
After fighting for so long to stay above
I’m losing my heart, strength and wit

Trust is now so hard to find
As greed and hate consume us all
Even I am guilty of this crime
As our desires make us fall

All you want is money
And for you, you crave power
No longer can we love as is
Our innocence lost by the hour

Children exposed to so much fear
People in love with pain
The drama of our everyday lives
Living in constant emotional strain

We work ourselves to death
Leaving little time to try
To try and find the smaller things
More important before we die

Blackness of this poison
Darkens many people’s heart
We’ve left no room to care or love
We’ve let humanity fall apart

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